Then the righteous will answer him, “Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or naked and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?” The King will reply, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did also for me.”
-Matthew 25:37-40
Family Supportive Services
Family Supportive Services has several programs to assist individuals and families in time of need and crisis. Crisis Intervention/Emergency Services, A.W.E.S.O.M.E Education Classes, Mindful Youth Summer Programming and soon to be announced a NEW Q Academy for males in 7th-12th grade.
Family Supportive Crisis Intervention
Crisis Intervention began in April, 1983 and continues to be provided throughout Mercer County. The program exists to reduce the intensity of an individual's emotional, mental, physical and behavioral reactions to a crisis as well as to help individuals return to their prior level of functioning. Appointments are scheduled four days a week with one day designated for “walk ins”. Crisis Intervention provides financial help to those struggling with an imminent eviction or utility shut-off. Upon an initial assessment, the Crisis Specialist may also assist the individual with food, furniture, clothing or other needs. POPC can contribute up to $150.00 towards a rent or utility payment, preventing the eviction or shut-off. Depending on the amount of funding and criteria set by the funding source at the time of need, the amount of financial support is at the discretion of POPC staff. Since the initial assistance of $150.00 is a one-time payment per client, those seeking additional assistance are offered opportunities to earn financial support through our A.W.E.S.O.M.E educational classes.
POPC Boutique
Perhaps the most well-known of Prince of Peace Center’s services, our Thrift Store recently upgraded to our Boutique and its mission to provide free or reduced-price items to those in need have been a part of the Center since it was founded in 1983.
“My way of thinking has totally changed. … Now I take my time, I think about what I’m doing before I make choices.”
- Brenda T.