Family & Emergency Supportive Services
The Family Supportive Services department of the Prince of Peace Center focuses on assisting those facing crisis in our communities. Due to barriers of knowledge, resources, finances, skills, and support, vulnerable individuals and families are unable to manage their daily circumstances on their own. Stress levels are increased thus affecting housing, relationships and health. Those seeking assistance complete an application and are assigned to our HOPE Advocacy (Help & Opportunity for Personal Empowerment for women) or FAITH Initiative (Fathers Accepting Inspiration while Transitioning to Hope). Crisis Intervention Specialists assess the crisis situation and address the need that is best suited. Recommendations, referrals and in-house services of POPC are all considered in achieving the best outcome for the individual or family. Services offered are Crisis Intervention and AWESOME education. Each year, FSS also administers Mindful Youth, a summer educational program designed for teens.
In order to receive support from Crisis Intervention a potential client must call to schedule an appointment with our Crisis Intervention Specialist.

Crisis Intervention
These ares valuable because the needs of the community are addressed as a whole, in addition to those of the individual. Outreach-oriented: Our Crisis Intervention Specialist will also take services into the communities rather than wait for individuals to come to us.
Crisis Intervention is an immediate and short-term emergency response from our Crisis Intervention Specialists. The Crisis Intervention Specialists will assess the situation and make referrals that best suit the need when a longer term emergency response is required. Prince of Peace Center works closely with all agencies in Mercer County to ensure appropriate care and services for the client.
The Assistance With Education, Shelter, Organization, Money management, and Employment (AWESOME) program offers classes in areas such as budgeting, insurance, proper nutrition, decision making, and other life skills that are necessary for maintaining stability and encouraging self-sufficiency.
Applications are accepted for the monthly classes and range from two to eight hours each. Those who attend and complete a one-day life skill class can earn a $25.00 gift card and those who complete a three day or more class can earn a stipend towards a bill. Resource materials such as journals, books, etc. are provided as extra incentives when funding permits.
Mindful Youth
Classes offered by Prince of Peace Center provides the youth in our communities an opportunity to learn new skills as well as to become aware of various topics that may assist them in handling crisis or personal situations. Summer programming begins in June and ends in August. Various age groups are invited to attend. Upon successful completion of a class, participants earn an incentive in the form of a gift card. Participants complete a registration form which requires parental consent. POPC collaborates with agencies, camps and other educational programs offered in Mercer County. A new program, Q Academy, to be implemented in 2025 will provide mentoring and educational support of young men in grades 7th through 12th who lack the presence and influence of father figures. Adult male mentoring curriculum and work-related exposure and experiences will be instrumental in developing and building positive self-esteem, a sense of community responsibility and serve as an introduction to employment opportunities and career development.
In 2023, $29,770.00 of Emergency Assistance funding was awarded to successful AWESOME session participants as well as to assist those with evictions and utilities.