POPC Boutique
We have suspended clothing donations through the end of the year.
We will begin taking clothing donations again on January 2, 2024.
Thank you for your understanding and your support through the busy winter holidays!

10:00AM to 3:00 PM
Monday - Friday
All of the items for sale in the store are donated
We will not sell clothing that is dirty, ripped, or stained
Inventory changes daily
The store is stocked with clothing, furniture, appliances, and other items donated by the members of our community, for the purpose of improving the lives of their neighbors. With easily accessible clothing and household goods, those we serve can shift their energy to improving the quality of their lives, instead of trying to maintain the minimum.
Donations to the Boutique can be brought inside or left on the loading dock at the Center’s northern entrance Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM. Please do not leave items outside of operating hours, as we must dispose of anything left exposed to the weather overnight.
Through the store we fulfill an essential part of our mission:
allowing the community one more outlet through which its people can help each other.
Items that are unable to be sold are instead donated to Global Thrift, which provides donated clothes and shoes to impoverished areas of other countries. Through this program we are able to continue to give as generously as we receive.